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Spiders use anchor text to determine relevance and authority

If you have done some serious reading about your website optimization, you probably would have come across the reference to the phrase "optimization of anchor text". Many times as an SEO consultant, a client will come to me with a business website that has numerous high quality links and still doesn't see the results they are looking for with regards to SEO.

When this issue arises, one of the first things a look for is to see if the site has key word rich content. If content is not the issue, it is more than likely an anchor text issue. In this article I will address what anchor text is and how it can be applied to improve the overall ranking of any particular website. I will also cover how a website can track ones anchor text.How Effective is Anchor Text?Since 371 million pages are reported for the Computer SERP and 150 million pages for the Computers SERP and these SERPs are highly commercial and competitive (fierce competition) the reason these two site rank highly for those SERPs is due to the power of anchor text. With hundreds of thousands of pages linking to these two home pages with many using the anchor text Computer/Computers its enough to rank highly with no on page optimization!! Imagine where they would be with a little on site optimization! For sites that don't have a lot of links, directory submissions are a great way to build text links with the anchor text you deem necessary. Many directories that are considered "SEO friendly" allow you to choose any type of anchor text you see fit. A great resource to find these "SEO Friendly" directories is a site called info.vilesilencer. They list hundreds of "SEO friendly" Directories that you can submit to.Tracking your website's anchor text can sometimes be tricky. I recommend using some of the free anchor text trackers that can be found online. Google Webmaster Tools has a very good section devoted to showing the number of links each one of your pages has and the text link that Google recognizes. There is also a great site called Back Link Watch.Relationships and SEOStrong, descriptive anchor text is a sign that we know how spiders travel links and that we care about people read and write blogs.Search engines pay attention to what you write in your anchor text. They notice all of the text around a link key words and descriptions.

Spiders use anchor text to determine relevance and authority as they follow links from post to post. Linking with keyword-rich anchor text forms strong links to posts both within your blog and with blogs you respect.It only takes a few seconds a few words inside a link . . . to make a difference in relevance and SEO, to let readers know where you suggest they go next, and to offer the blogger at the other end a few words of respect. Thats a great way to use links to Chipboard Screws Manufacturers reach out.